Marathon, Myspace and Rock n Roll

After a marathon booze through half Vienna – starting with a birthday gig at the Bach, then continuing with the Bierwaage and other pubs and parties – and after a well deserved nap on the Bierwaage Rockstarcouch, we decided to spend another day at Bierwaage and create a myspace page. If you have a myspace profile too, feel free to add us and comment!

In the meantime we somewhat recovered from the stress and are buisy rehearsing. During the last days we wrote some new songs, that we really like. Which means something, because the stuff we usually play is crap anyway :) If we work hard, we’ll be able to want to play the new stuff at our next gig at the Reigen. Or at that one.


Eine Antwort zu “Marathon, Myspace and Rock n Roll”

  1. pezl sagt:

    Hallo Ihr Lieben!
    Hab grad den Bericht dieser (wirklich äußerst witzigen!) Tage grad gelesen und möchte nur betonen, daß das auf dem Foto nicht unsere Rockstarchouch ist, sondern quasi die Vorstufe ;-)) nämlich die “BierwaageBühne”!
    Unsere Stars betten wir schon weicher ;-)
    C u next time – same staion!