Yildürüm, we forgive you

On Sept 18 2009 we played on Yıldırım Fakılar‘s 1st International Jimi Hendrix Festival Vienna. This is an ambitioned small no-budget festival to celebrate Jimi Hendrix’ music and spirit on his day of death. Because we really like that (the party & the music, not the day of death) and Yıldırım seemed a nice guy, we agreed over a small compensation of a handful of €uros for the whole band.

After the gig though, Yıldırım came over and told us, that he had no more money left, because he had to spend it all for the foreign bands’ hotels and flights. But he promised to pay it as soon as possible.

We are still waiting for that.

In fact we were. Because we hereby abate Yıldırım all depts and forgive him not paying us as agreed upon. No problem bro! :-P The only thing you’ll have to face from now on, is this picture:

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